Who We Are



It used to be when someone new moved into your neighborhood a standard question would be, where do you go to church? Now the question is, do you go to church? Many times that answer is why would I go to church?


Our mission here at SBC is to help heal those hurts, answer the tough questions, and bridge the gap between two very different generations by finding common ground. The common ground we find the most stability in is Jesus and in His word. Much like Jesus and his disciples, we have a family whose strength is that they are very different. It is a very uncommon bond between people with nothing in common, except we are all sinners saved by grace.


We pray soon the question you will be asking is not, “why should I go to church but how did I ever get along without my church family.” May God bless and keep you…

Our Mission

To Make, Mature, and Mobilize Disciples

To introduce people to a God who can do all things. Equip them with a faith that works in real life and send them out to encourage others to come in.  

Everyone Is Welcome

On any given Sunday you may talk with a doctor or someone who digs ditches, a plant supervisor or a tattoo artist. These differences make us strong and give us the ability to help people from all walks of life. We have traveled many roads to get to SherLynd and from here on, we can travel the road together, as a family. God gave us his best in Jesus Christ and that is what we ask for in YOU, your best in Christ Jesus. No one is here to judge what your best is but to hold you accountable and help you attain it.

One Vision

Our goal is to be the same person Sunday – Saturday no matter who is around or where we are. to be attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and a tool in the hand of a mighty God. We have a blended worship service on Sunday mornings, you may hear everything from bluegrass to hymns to praise and worship. We simply enjoy any music that gives us an opportunity to praise our Lord Jesus Christ. But most of all we are a bible believing, bible teaching and preaching church that will not compromise on “thus saith the Lord.” The word of God is the most interesting book ever written and still the most applicable book of the 21st century. Come and see us real soon, God bless…

What Are You Waiting For?

Join us on Sundays for morning worship!


New updates are coming very soon!

June 1, 2024
    [In Concert]
    [Saturday March 12th, 2022 starting at 6:00 PM 
    Time of doors opening TBA! ]


June 5, 2024
    [In Concert]
    [Saturday March 12th, 2022 starting at 6:00 PM 
    Time of doors opening TBA! ]